Autumn 1990 Pt. 2 TP311
Farley & Heller and one of I-Level. The Mondays (or more accurately the backing singer), a geetar and a “block-rocking” beat, fore shadowing the Chemical Brothers just a tad. Run DMC, “Peanut Butter” and an annihilating rhythm.
Paradiso`s “Here We Go Again” has me mid-way through a night at the Soho Theatre Club. Conversations in the alley that ran down the back. Lucky Luke. Everyone earnestly revealing their admiration for one another. Nomad is early doors at Gosh, along with Bandulu`s dub of The Smiths (thank you Mr Williams / Brown), Fluke`s “Philly”, This Ragged Jack and the “For The Love Of Money” bass-line. L.U.P.O. do the gas-face.
As the tempo picks up, it`s more “Rampling On The Radio” than Flying at Dingwalls. Frank K, Offshore, Nitelife Cityrama. Danny`s voice and music seemed to embody a positivity.
Getting ready in Tulse Hill for a night out in Covent Garden. The Gardening Club. A pop to the pub across the street to stick the gear in my socks, then a “Hi” to Heidi on the door. Harvey hiding in the arches. Steve Lee playing “Always There”. Ian B R.I.P.
I seemed to hear Pleasure Inc.`s “Sexy Dancer” everywhere, but it reminds me of a warehouse party and tales of exploits in Ibiza.
Stealing speedboats. Madchester also-rans.
The suggestion that we all “Join Hands” didn`t seem so daft back then.

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